Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sleep Walking bapak mertua nak gi China for his 'leisure' job.
Dia pesan kat Elyas...
"Elyas jaga nenek ok? Teman nenek tidur, sbb nenek sleep walking!"
So, dia pun janji pada Tok dia nak teman nenek over the weekend.

Petang tu di go outing dengan Mama and Babah, gi main layang-layang.
Daddy, Mummy, Kakak and Adik pi hantar to kat Changi Airport. Sorry SON, we had dinner @ Earle Swensen T3 kih..kih..kih

Sure my Boiieee nganmuk lepas baca blog ni..egege

Few days later, bila Tok dah balik, dia pun soal cucu dia. Kenapa tak teman nenek? Nenek kata mummy suruh balik, betuuulll?

So, Mama pun bukak cerita. Alasan dia nak balik malam tu " Kalau Elyas teman, nenek sleep walking, mana Elyas tau! Elyas kan TIDUR!"

eeeerrrrrrggghhhh...Mama plak tak tau camana nak challenge his cheeky newphew..lols.
Mama pun terpaksa hantar dia balik umah sbb lepas tu dia bantai melalak. :(


Waiting patiently for years

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hari ni nak cerita pasal anak jantan and his first few months at school.

First day of school, bangun pukul 4.30pagi. Punyalah exited dia nak start primary 1.

Masuk second week of school teacher dia Mdm Rosmawaty called mummy at work.
"your son complain of stomachache" mummy yang worry ni pun minta tolong teacher soh teman dia pi canteen and get something to eat.
Disebabkan mummy ni worry sangat, mummy pon take half-day leave and rush to his school.
Met both teacher and Elyas, hmmm...guess what the teacher was smiling at mummy and said " your son is perfectly okay"

Third week dia call mummy via public phone from school canteen. Pandainya...this time dia kata kaki dia pulak yang sakit.

Macam2 je alasan anak jantan: sakit perut, sakit kaki, sakit kepala etc etc

Pastu one day dia balik skolah dia cakap " Mummy Elyas hilang laser pointer bla bla bla..."
Next day, mummy found out that the laser pointer was actually being consfiscated by Mdm Rosma. Oh my dear boy. Mummy pun had a talk session with Elyas. Now he knows that he need not be scared and be truthfull at all time.

Also, he is so very cheeeeky at school. When the Malay teacher Cikgu Sharinah warn his class to behave otherwise need to be sent to principal....Elyas CHEERSS!!!

Now he behaves well in school. No more complain from his teachers.

Though occassional he still feel lazy in the morning with 1001 excuses, hoping that he need not go to school. Sorry boy, tak jalan sume alasan tu. Skolah mesti pergi. I love you babeh :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008



Bila nak mai Singapura?

Tiga Beradik

Mummy's fav. photo, taken in 2004.
Sulung: Maisarah Syazwina
Tatan: Elyas Shah
Bungsu: Yasmin Marissa

December 2008. fast bebudak ni grow.